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Trump turns on green light for Turkey and war in Syria is now at doorstep

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After Trump announced that the US would withdraw its troops from north eastern Syria, the situation has turned real serious and it seems most likely it will not be long before Turkey starts an operation against YPG (pro-Kurdish group, claimed to be closely linked to PKK terror organization in Turkey) based in northern Syria.

In a statement made by White House today following was shared: “Turkey will soon step into action regarding its long planned operation into north eastern Syria. US Armed Forces will not support this operation or be involved in this operation.” The statement also stressed that US forces which had defeated DAESH would no longer be in the region, directly.

In the same statement it was also noted that the US government had urged  countries like France, Germany and others in EU to take back the arrested DAESH members in Syria, but these countries did not want to take these terrorist adding the United States would not keep these people for years.

The statement went on to say “Turkey henceforth, will be responsible for Dease fighters captured in the region by the United States for the past two years”.

On the other hand President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey also announced after his telephone exchange with Trump that the US forces had begun to withdraw from northern Syria.

After said announcements, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) are now awaiting orders for the operation to be made in said territory.

The question now is if there will be a clash between Syrian army moving northward (supported by Russia, apparently) and Turkey, in the territory and to be equally important how Russia will respond to this step by Turkey. The reason is we know Russia has repeatedly emphasized “Turkey should respect the territorial integrity of Syria under all circumstances”.