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President Trump sets out on longest trip to Asia by an American president in years

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It is reported that President Donald Trump arrived in Hawaii on Friday, on one of the longest trips by an American president to Asia in many years. It is also reported that the president is seeking help to force North Korea to be able to work out the very serious nuclear crisis threat the world has been exposed to for a while, now.

On the other hand, it is also observed that Trump has been surrounded by some major problems at home for a while and he has started on his 12 day voyage to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines at such a critical time.

Referred problems are related to issues such as an intensive federal investigation into Russian intervention in last year’s election, the attack that killed eight people in New York earlier this week, and Republican tax-cut plan which Trump hopes could be his first legislative victory provided Congress approves it and more …

On Saturday, Trump will fly to Japan and then visit South Korea in search of a united front against North Korea, before going to Beijing, where he is supposed to ask Chinese President Xi Jinping to handle Pyongyang in a tougher manner. There is a strong possibility he may also get together with Putin hoping Russian head of state could help with North Korea and Syria issues.

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