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Simit Sarayı.. A Popular Turkish “Fast-food” chain

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SIMIT SARAYI (meaning Simit Palace) was launched as a new concept in 2002. Until then, SIMIT  (ring-shaped bread covered with sesame seeds) used to be eaten ON FOOT, consumed in an unhealthy manner. Then, based on a new business model it was promoted into a product eaten “sitting at a table”. In a very short period of time, Simit Sarayı showed significant business growth.

With the opening of their first store in Mecidikeöy, Simit Sarayı launched the first chain store pastry-café in Turkey and has been an establishment working with all its might for simit, one of Anatolia’s traditional food, to SECURE the value it deserves and has also been the carrier of  the “FLAG of FLAVORS” to introduce some of our traditional tastes to the world.

Expending rapidly in Turkey and overseas, Simit Sarayı has succeeded becoming one of the most popular modern cafes serving their unique and delicious products which are prepared under hygienic conditions in the one and only simit factory in the world.

With a mission of becoming one of the most expended food chain in the world, Simit Sarayı is serving to over 30.000 people a day a rich variety of products prepared at an integrated production plant, supported by a powerful cooling fleet and over 3000 employees.

With its innovative products and business approaches and with the growing pace demonstrated in the country and overseas, Simit Sarayı is on its way achieving the goal of serving simit to the entire world.

Along with classical simit the shopes also serve simit filled with kaşar cheese, with sudjuk, sudjuk-kaşar and kaşar-olives combinations all day long that are freshly baked as well as some Turkish pastries and baked goods such as “Açma”, “Poğaça”, “Çatal” and raisin buns and many more.

With a rich product range the company address breakfast needs with unique tastes such as simit and bread served in the mornings, salads, wrap and toasts for lunch, coffee and accompaniments and sweet pastries in the late afternoons we accommodate all the meals in a day.

Simit Sarayı is Everywhere

For the last ten years SIMIT SARAYI cafes are on main avenues, in bazaars, anywhere where life is at its busiest.

The company has opened cafes abroad and is in negotiation with approximately 35 countries in the world including the USA, Austria, Greece, and Saudi Arabia,  to add new locations.

All  products are prepared under hygienic conditions at Simit Sarayı Factory which is designed in a unique was for the first time in the world and developed with the support of TÜBİTAK; all products are produced under the supervision of food engineers, coated with one hundred percent Turkish sesame, delivered to the retail stores, removed from their sealed packaging, baked at the store and served to the customers.

compiled by Editor BTT



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