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Some of the founders of the ruling AK Party criticize the mistakes of their party

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HÜSEYİN ÇELİK, one of the founding figures of the AK Party has evaluated both his ministerial period and made ‘insider’ criticisms in the program he participated in on a TV channel. Down below are some of his remarkable statements.


“The expression ‘The king is naked’ is, let’s say that Turkey has high inflation today. Let’s see this, friends. In other words, if I am a member of the government, does it make sense to say that there is no inflation, when we have inflation. Is there any lawlessness, is there injustice, there 50 kinds of this. He who closes his eyes in the middle of the day only makes up the night for himself only, but the day continues to shine.”


If Osman Kavala is in prison unfairly and I don’t say it, I won’t have done the need of my conscience. First, you will file a lawsuit against Gezi (Demonstrations), this person will be acquitted of it, and as this person is just about to be released from prison, you will prepare another indictment, you will call this person Sorosçu (linked to / in cooperation with Soros etc.). So, is the “Open Society Foundation” the reason for labeling him as “Soros affiliated”? This foundation operated for many years, putting an end to their own activities, themselves. So, why did we not close this association that was so active,(rather than closing itself)? We are making life miserable for Osman Kavala… “

SOURCE: Translated and edited from source news / excerpts only.

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