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Health: Spine Surgery and Neurosurgery in Turkey

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Medical Industry and practices have taken some giant steps in Turkey in the past few decades.

Like with many other branches in medicine, Turkey is one of the most successful countries in spine surgery as well.

Every spine procedure which is done in the USA and European Countries, is also performed in Turkey.Some spine institutes utilize all current technological equipments, to perform the best surgery possible with the most effective and safe results. Minimally invasive microsurgical and endoscopic techniques are used both on an inpatient and outpatient basis.

Minimally invasive spinal surgery allows better outcomes than conventional spine surgery. Benefits of minimally invasive back surgery include:

-Smaller Operation Scars
-Shorter hospital stay
-No pain after surgery
-Shorter recovery time and quicker return to daily activities
Four main types of minimally invasive spine surgery currently are being performed at the Spine Institute Istanbul:
-Lumbar Microdiskectomy for repair of herniated disks
-Spinal fusion which is often performed on degenerative disks
-Kyphoplasty for repair of fractures
-Cervical Microdiskectomy for cervical disc herniation and stenosis

1-Lumbar Microdiskectomy

This procedure takes only 15-20 minutes. It can be done under general anaesthesia or epidural anaesthesia and with a skin incision up to 1.5 cm. Closure requires no skin sutures. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis with most patients discharged within 24 hours. There is no risk injuring the spinal cord or spinal nerves.

2-Spinal Fusion
A minimally-invasive form of spinal fusion can be used to correct degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis, and other disorders of the spine. This method reduces patient trauma associated with traditional open surgery by minimizing prolonged muscle retraction, scarring and blood loss. The process preserves healthy muscle and soft tissue and reduces post-operative pain and recovery time. Patients can leave the hospital more quickly, with less pain, and return to their normal daily routines in a short while.


An innovative and minimally invasive surgical treatment, kyphoplasty is used mainly to treat compression fractures in the spine. Kyphoplasty involves inflating a balloon at the site of the fracture and then immediately filling the cavity created by this balloon with quick-setting bone cement. The cement provides immediate stability to the spine, restoring its former shape and preventing the treated vertebra from collapsing again. Minimally invasive techniques, such as kyphoplasty, are done by a combination of intra-operative fluoroscopy to provide pictures, and advanced instruments to conduct the procedure. These small tools allow surgeons to make smaller incisions, thus resulting in shorter operation time, faster recovery and less pain after the operation.

4-Cervical Microdiskectomy

This procedure takes 30-40 minutes. It can be done under general anaesthesia and with a skin incision up to 1,5 cm. Closure requires no skin sutures. The patient can stand up in 2 hours. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis with most patients discharged within 24 hours. There is very few risk injuring the spinal cord or spinal nerves. The cranial procedures, such as brain tumours, aneurisms and hydrocephaly, are performed successfully in our neurosurgery department. Functional and stereotactic neurosurgery procedures for Parkinson disease and movement disorders are also performed in referred instutes

Compiled  by Editor BTT


Spine Institute Istanbul is among most prominent and reliable establishments in Istanbul and it is directed by Aybars Akkor, M.D.

The team consists of three neurosurgeons and two orthopaedics. The operations are performed in one of the best hospitals of Turkey, with JCI Quality accreditation.

Dr. AKKOR welcomes any inquiries or questions about a spine problem which may need a surgical procedure, before such patients make a final decision in regards


Contact details
Spine Institute Istanbul – Akkor Saglik telephone: +90 212 444 0 678
+90 545 873 95 35 / +90 549 451 20 20 / +90 542 214 39 13

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