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Trump Revises Travel Ban, Adds Non-Muslim North Korea and Venezuela

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Emboldening his position on national security, President Donald Trump on Sunday issued a new order indefinitely restricting travel to the U.S. by most citizens of eight nations across three continents, citing a need to prevent terrorists making their way through American borders.

The ban is more extensive than his original proclamation, with permanent constraints placed on travel to America versus the 90-day suspension enacted shortly after taking office. The move was no less controversial than the original proclamation, even though non-Muslim majority nations were added to the list.

Beginning on Oct. 18, when the new edict takes effect, most citizens from Syria, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Chad, North Korea and Venezuela will not be allowed to come to the U.S.

Trump’s original ban—released as an executive order—drew a sharp backlash and snarled airports in January, with a revision issued by March, which expired on Sunday. It also resulted in a rash of legal challenges to his authority. The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments about the ban’s constitutionality October 10 based on the original injunction.

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