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What is happening in Kazakhstan?

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In Kazakhstan, the actions initiated by citizens protesting against fuel oil hikes have grown, become mass, have acquired a different dimension. The government has resigned. Demonstrators and security forces clashed. A state of emergency was declared. President November Generous Tokayev explained that foreign forces were behind the events, terrorists were trained abroad; He asked for support from the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The organization led by Russia also sent troops to Kazakhstan.

Currently, the administration seems to have had control of the situation – thanks to support from Russia (and friends) mainly. Obviously the former administration headed by NAZARBAYEV is being accused of substantial and even giant corruption and not being able to provide a little wealth to the majority of citizens in poverty.

Most recently, the current leader TOKAYEV seems to have amended his narrative from foreign forces (and terrorists) to coup attempt to describe what had happened in the country.

Another quite clear fact is that Kazakhstan is a country which attracts attention of the USA and China as well as Russia, it goes without saying. In fact, Putin would never allow and American influence to prevail in this country, at the end of the day.

On the other hand, China is very much interested in said country which has an unbelievably large potential of natural resources, to include even uranium.

To recap, the challenge if not fight seems to be a long lasting one as 3 giant countries have been involved one way or the other. We will have to wait and see what happens in the long run.

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