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Turkey has a bright future for investment opportunities in wind energy industry

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Foreign experts in the sector comment that Turkey has a bright future in the wind energy sector with strong investment environment and resources. For decades, Turkey has been realizing legislative changes and making the investment environment more attractive, to boost renewable energy investments and increase the power of clean sources in electricity production.

The unfavorable conditions experienced in the economy mainly due to the fluctuations and devaluation in TL may appear as an obstacle to the economy to grow but the country has the potential to change it. The reason is Turkey seems to have been committed to increasing the capacity of the renewable energy it produces.

It is certainly favorable for Turkey that many wind farms currently in operation are suitable for capacity upgrades. Moreover such a strategy to improve capacities of existing operations would gear up the development of the sector.

Currently, work is being carried out in Germany and Turkey and engineers from both countries are working on mass production prospects of new model ENERCON turbines EP3 which will eventually be realized in Turkey.

In the meantime the authority is planning to realize separate 4 separate YEKA tenders with the target to install and operate a total capacity of 1000 megawatts.

Based on requirements to bid for the tenders, all wind turbines should be suitable with the latest technology series of IEC 61400 standards, with minimum power of 3 megawatts.