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Culture and Tourism Minister: Turkey has declared 2020 as the Year of Turkish Cuisine

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Mehmet Nuri ERSOY, Minister of Culture and Tourism has announced 2020 is declared as the year of the Turkish cuisine by the ministry. Regarding the issue, the Minister noted that accommodation income was US$ 10 billion and gastronomy income was only US$ 5 billion. He commented that these two figures should be balanced.

The Minister said they needed to do a study to put together information needed for the FLAVOR MAP of Turkey adding they were focused on the difference between accommodation and gastronomy revenues and there was need to put them in balance.

He said they should be close to each other and they planned to bring together corporates, associations and experts cooks and work on the menus. He added they would then see to it redesigned menus were presented in restaurants.

On the other hand the Minister also shared that Turkey targeted 1.5 million health tourists in health tourism for 2023 with revenue of US$ 10 billion.

He said, “Turkey will be the first in the world with advanced diagnostic centers and health tourism liaison offices which will introduce services and orient patients directly to Turkey, in countries targeted for health tourism”

In the first phase Turkey will open 10 such centers in countries such as Europe, the Turkic Republics, Russia, Ukraine, North Africa and the Gulf Countries to be followed by another 10 units in the second phase.