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ISO will be the first foreign group to build organized industrial zone in Iran

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It is reported that the first “organized industrial zone” (OIZ) of Iran to be realized by foreign initiative is to be made by Istanbul Chamber of Commerce on an area of 500 hectares and will be worth an investment of US$ 10 billion.

Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) is planning a $ 10 billion foreign investment in Iran by establishing the first foreign organized industrial zone in this country,  for Turkish Industrialists. The idea of setting up an OIZ for Turkish industrialists in Iran was brought forward by ICI Chairman Bahçıvan and high level Iranian officials during ICI Assembly visit to Tehran at the end of April.

Mr. Ali YEZDANI, Iranian Industry Mine and Trade Vise Minister said it was agreed  that said industrial zone to be accomplished by ISO would be built on an area of 500 hectares and consist of 140 units.

Yezdanı who explained that the project to be accomplished would have the title of “Iran’s first foreign industrial zone” also said “We already have foreign investments in various industrial zones of the country but it is the first time such an investment will be accomplished by foreigners. Moreover, everything to include design work of the area will be carried out by Turks personally”.

On the other hand Mr. ERDAL BAHCIVAN, the ICI Chairman said he estimated that the agreement would pave the way for high quality cooperation between the two countries and added “This occasion has been a gathering of goodwill with the aim to implement our joint investment idea of setting up an OIZ, which we had disclosed following the ICI Assembly’s latest visit to Iran. Parties have come together to build a roadmap upon those ideas. We have discussed potential concrete steps ahead. As a result, we have drawn up a goodwill agreement, taking a step forward after our Iran trip. Accordingly, in order to establish an OIZ in Iran, we will first gather a working committee of experienced colleagues. We aspire to bolster Turkish-Iranian economic relations and hope to see this project lead to qualified partnerships and deliver benefits in this regard.”

It is reported that Iranian side have proposed 15 regions to ISO for planned industrial zone and negotiations are continuing for the agreement to be finalized.