
EXERCISE 170920 – Future Tense / Be going to

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EXERCISE 170920 – Future Tense / Be going to
Please translate into Turkish
I am going to finish the report today
You are not going to see your family for 2 months
He is going to leave his job
Is she going to get married soon?
We are going to catch the 5 o’clock train
Are you going to drive to Ankara
They are not going to win the match

4 thoughts on “EXERCISE 170920 – Future Tense / Be going to

  • (Ben)bugün raporu bitireceğim

    2 ay için aileni görmeyeceksin

    O İşini bırakacak

    O Yakında evlenecek mi?

    Biz trenini Saat 5 yakalayacağız

    Sen Ankara’ya araba ile binliyor musun?
    Onlar maçı kazanamayacaklar

    • (Ben)bugün raporu bitireceğim

      2 ay için aileni görmeyeceksin

      O İşini bırakacak

      O Yakında evlenecek mi?

      Biz trenini Saat 5 yakalayacağız

      Sen Ankara’ya araba ile binliyor musun?
      Onlar maçı kazanamayacaklar

      Dear Brenda,

      You can see necessary corrections and additional info in my reply to Elaine’s work.
      Could you check it please? Thanks.

      And if u have any questions (which I think you would/should) please forward them to me on our group page

  • I am going to finish the report today.
    Bugün raporu bitireceğim.

    You are not going to see your family for 2 months.
    İki ay için aileni görmeyeceksin. (I’m sure iki ay için is not right but don’t know how else to say it)

    He is going to leave his job.
    Onun işini bırakacak.

    Is she going to get married soon?
    O yakında evlenecek mi?

    We are going to catch the 5 o’clock train.
    Saat beşte treni yakalayacağız. (Not sure about this either)

    Are you going to drive to Ankara?
    Ankara’ya sürecek misin?

    They are not going to win the match.
    Maçı kazanmayacaklar.

    • I am going to finish the report today.
      Bugün raporu bitireceğim.

      You are not going to see your family for 2 months.
      İki ay için aileni görmeyeceksin. (I’m sure iki ay için is not right but don’t know how else to say it)
      Again this is OK but “aileni 2 ay görmeyeceksin” wld be fine

      He is going to leave his job.
      Onun işini bırakacak.
      O işini bırakacak (OK) – But “O işinden ayrılacak” sounds more familiar

      Is she going to get married soon?
      O yakında evlenecek mi? OK
      This is correct
      FYI – Marriage: evlilik (nikah)
      To marry: evlenmek (nikahlamak, actually)
      to get married: evlenmek (nikahlanmak)
      “ev”-len-mek (so when we get married we have/get a house (ev) 🙂

      We are going to catch the 5 o’clock train.
      Saat beşte treni yakalayacağız. (Not sure about this either)
      Saat beş trenini yakalayacağız (word for word)
      We would say “Saat 5 trenine bineceğiz” (get on: binmek) etc.

      Are you going to drive to Ankara?
      Ankara’ya sürecek misin?
      This is correct (word for word) but we would say “… araba ile mi gideceksin

      They are not going to win the match.
      Maçı kazanmayacaklar. Correct
      We might say: Maçı kazanamayacaklar
      (they wont be able to win ….)

      All in all, I think your answers were real good. BRAVO.
      Still, I also noted how we would say certain things (additionally that was)

      Thank you


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