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“Olympos Cable Car” in Kemer, is Europe’s longest and the world’s second-longest

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The General Manager of Olympos Cable Car located in Antalya, Kemer, stated that so far this year, 175,000 people had reached the summit using Olympos Cable Car. He said, “Our goal for this year was to take 300,000 guests to the summit. We expect the season to extend until November. I expect this number to reach the 230,000s by the end of the year.”

Contrary to expectations, the GM mentioned that they were having a normal season and that Polish and British tourists had started to replace Russians and Ukrainians. He also said following; “We are having an average season. Other markets are filling the gap caused by the Russian market. For example, Polish and British tourists are coming in large numbers. Guests from Eastern Europe show great interest. So, to some extent, they are taking the place of Russians and Ukrainians. The British market is lively. So, what we have seen is that if one market declines, other markets step in to take its place. Aside from that, economic difficulties and the presence of conflicts have certainly affected the season. Especially, the ongoing conflict has had a significant impact on us. There is a decline in the Russian and Ukrainian markets. Unfortunately, due to the economic situation in Russia and the state of the Ruble, Russian visitors are not spending much, and we feel that. Even the people who come to us don’t spend at the desired level on food, beverages, and other activities. In fact, some of the hotel guests don’t even venture outside. This is a common problem. It’s not just us; all day-trip areas are experiencing a decline.”


Providing some brief information about the cable car, the GM said, “Our cable car is the symbol of Kemer. It is Europe’s longest and the world’s second-longest cable car. The journey with our cable car from the lower station to the summit of Tahtalı Mountain, which is 2365 meters high, takes about 12 minutes. Guests who travel with our cable car, designed by Swiss engineers, have an unforgettable journey. They have the chance to see the views of Phaselis and Olympos Ancient City, Antalya, and Kemer. On cloudy days, they experience unforgettable moments as they pass through the clouds.”