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Are religious voters breaking away from AK Party?

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As the crisis deepens, religious voters are increasingly moving away from power. According to a study by METROPOLL, the proportion of religious people who voted for the AKP was 73.8 at the beginning of the year, and it decreased to 63.1 percent at the end of the year.

The administration, which is trying to stay in power, is making its latest moves on religious voters. From the opening of Hagia Sophia for worship to the appearance of the Head of Religious Affairs Ali Erbaş at the opening ceremonies of the judicial year, one step after another is being taken.

However, according to the results of opinion polls, even the moves towards the religious sector are backfiring in the face of the deepening crisis. In the latest survey study published by Metropoll Research, it was seen that “religious voters” who had previously voted for the AKP were in different searches. Among this group of voters who voted for the AKP in 2018, the proportion of those who said they would vote in favor of the AKP if there were an election this Sunday remained at 63 percent. It was noteworthy to see that the tendency to indecision also increased among all religious voters.
