
Does Turkey Have A Word to Say in The MENA Region?

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It has not been long since the political balances started to change drastically in the MENA region (Middle East North Africa) due to new scenarios written by the USA (mainly) and its allies.

Actually, the Middle East had hardly been left in peace before said new policies designed by the world super power.

However the last events and up-rises which lead to all time dictators like Sedat stepping down from power has obviously led the way to a totally new political order in the Middle East as well as the region of South Africa.

It is very clear that this new project is not going to be easy to realize for the super power, as has the case been many times in the past. Wikileaks incident for instance has been a very strong experience to support this argument. It is a fact that not much can be practiced behind the walls now as opposed to the past and the super power must have realized that if there is one thing to take into account, it is the unpreventable function of technology in our lives today, and surely internet in the first place.

To recap USA has a much more difficult mission to accomplish in the region as opposed to the past and not only because of above but also due to the emerging presence of Turkey in the same region. Some would even like to call it “return of the mighty Ottoman Empire” as once called and certainly in the economical sense if not political.