How do you see the urge of Erdogan Turkish citizens should not buy French products?

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QUORA QUESTION: How do you see the urge of Erdogan that Turkish citizens should not buy French products anymore?

We know that France is among countries which Turkey has a real high volume of trade with. On top of that there are many French investments in Turkey, Renault to be in the first place, and many important others.

Therefore, before making such a statement it might be worth thinking not only twice but many times as if there is an interruption in mutual trade relations it seems it might not be to the advantage of Turkey… the more so under prevailing economic conditions in the country.

As for citizens boycotting French goods, we personally do not believe people would pay so much attention to the president’s suggestion as they are trying to cope with their lives at the moment; that is with both covid-19 risk and economic difficulties.

And it could also be said, important (or not) problems should not and cannot be solved via such messages of “BOYCOTTING” etc.

This is what we humbly believe.