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Lawsuit filed against person who murdered pit bull by setting fire to his kennel

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A lawsuit has been filed in Izmir asking for up to 6 years in prison against the person arrested in connection with the killing of a 2.5-year-old pit bull dog named ‘Şila’ by setting fire to his kennel.

A female dog named “Shila”, a pit bull breed in Seferihisar district of Izmir, was burned on October 11 while in a wooden hut in an iron cage in a green area 10 meters from the house using a flammable substance. Those in the vicinity who noticed the flames reported it to the 112 Emergency Call Center. Meanwhile, some people also viewed those moments with the cameras of their mobile phones.

Fire crews who came with a notification extinguished the flames. It was determined that the dog, who could not get out because the door of the cage was closed, burned to death.

The police started work to identify and apprehend those who started the fire after which the person responsible for the cruel incident was found and detained. Said person was asked to be imprisoned for 4 months to 3 years for the crime of “partially or completely demolishing, destroying, destroying, spoiling, making unusable or polluting someone else’s movable or immovable property”.

It was requested that the penalty to be given be increased by 1 fold due to the fact that the suspect committed this crime by burning, using burning or explosive substances. The indictment, which requested that said person be tried with up to 6 years in prison, was accepted by the court.