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Minister says Turkey starts using rapid covid-19 test kits which reveal results in 15 minutes

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Turkey’s Health Ministry announced to the Press last weekend that rapid coronavirus test kits imported from China have been launched and are currently in use. Based on explanation provided by the Minister concerned quick tests reveal the results of whether a person is infected with the virus within 15 minutes.

It is reported that fast kits will be used together with the other kits that need between 60-90 minutes to show results. Officials introduced the new kit at the Virology Laboratory of the Directorate General of Public Health. Experts say quick tests can be used quickly in emergency departments and the level of reliability is high.

As explained by scientists at concerned laboratory thanks to the new kits it will be possible isolate those people who need to be quarantined and that new kits work by taking mucus samples from the mouth or nose. Officials added that the test could be used easily and quickly in emergency departments and that its reliability was high.

Health Minister Fahrettin KOCA had previously explained in the Turkish Parliament that their target was to implement 10-15,000 tests a day