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New decision on the sale of used cars: 300 thousand TL penalty

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In the second hand car market, a penalty of 300 thousand TL will be imposed for violating the condition of 6 thousand kilometers, by cheating. The Ministry of Commerce has started to detect and follow the ads on the websites.

In the sales of used cars, the penalty is increased in violation of the 6 thousand mileage requirement by cheating. The penalty given to those who violate the 6 thousand mileage requirement introduced in used car sales via cheating is increased from 8 thousand liras to 300 thousand TL.

According to NTV; the Ministry of Commerce will make a request for authorization when the new legislative year opens in the Parliament on October 1.

The ministry of Commerce is currently following the ads on all Internet sites and identifying the owners of vehicles that are put up for sale with 6001 km.