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President Erdogan tells journalists new-year parties will not be allowed in villas

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President Recep Tayyip Erdogan answered questions from journalists about the agenda after Friday prayers in Istanbul. The President said, “Hotels, villas, here and here, wherever it may be, our security forces will take the necessary measures to prevent parties. We cannot afford to allow such gatherings. If our intelligence units find out where such things are taking place, they will carry out the necessary operations there.”

He went on to say, “We have a cabinet meeting on Monday. First of all regarding such parties, whether held in hotels or villas … all our security forces will take every precaution. We can’t allow them. If our intelligence units are informed where such things are happening, they will do the necessary operations there. For us, the lives of our citizens are beyond everything. Our duty as a state is to protect the health of our people.

Regarding Chinese vaccine the President said following;

“I’m not involved in medicine, my field is economics. I’m only the president of my country. First of all I have my own consultants. There is a health board and we have our minister. Based on the information they have provided we have a deal for 50 million units to come from China, to start off with. However, as a first step 4.5 million will come, only

We will start the vaccination process, first of all our medical staff. I’ve already announced that I will be vaccinated. I invite all my citizens to the same sensitivity about this issue. Together, it is our doctors who are the custodians of this work. Not everyone should be talking in this area. If there are people who will talk, it is our experts and our doctors.

When the vaccine comes, we will also have the vaccine with all our friends. Our hope, God willing, is that we will give our fight against this scourge of the corona virus in the most successful way. In the first place there is China, but we also have Germany. We will run our process with the vaccines that will come from these two countries.