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Promising developments recorded in renewable energy sector in Turkey

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“Renewable Energy” is of vital importance for Turkey. The main reason for this is Turkey is highly dependent on foreign energy sources such as oil in which case it is practically impossible to talk about an independent national economy. This brings us to the bitter fact the country is in need to create alternative energy sources other than traditional ones such as oil and natural gas to move ahead in this challenging development race, globally.

Concerned alternative energy sources are certainly renewable ones and especially the best choice for the country, as Turkey is geographically located in an area which lives four seasons of the year, properly.

For instance, it would be quite feasible for Turkey to generate solar energy because the country enjoys sunny weather almost throughout the year. To make a comparison with Germany for instance, Turkey’s sunbathing rate is almost 4-5 times higher.  Compared in terms of actual production of solar energy, the situation is exactly the opposite which obviously shows that Turkey is missing an opportunity. Certainly the whole thing must be examined at a master plan level by the administration and in fact the Turkish government seems to be determined this time to attribute much more importance to renewable energy alternatives as well.

The good news in the meantime has been “the amount of support for electricity generated within the scope of Renewable Energy Resources Support Mechanism (YEKDEM) has increased by 690 million 197 thousand TL, compared to the same month of the previous year and reached 1 billion 810 million 223 thousand TL. According to the Energy Market Operational Incorporation, 6 billion 107 million 277 thousand kilowatt-hours of electricity was produced within the scope of YEKDEM. Thus, 26.6 percent of the total electricity produced last month was met by these plants.

4 billion 349 million 788 thousand kilowatt-hours of the electricity produced within the scope of YEKDEM was supplied from hydroelectric power plants and 1 billion 234 million 489 thousand kilowatts from wind energy plants. The remaining 523 million kilowatt-hours of production came from biogas, biomass, geothermal, and garbage sources.