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Turkey and Qatar launch joint military exercise with 250 Turkish troops

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It is reported that Turkey and Qatar launched a joint military exercise on August 1st with more than 30 armored vehicles and 250 Turkish troops. It is also reported that the first phase will include Turkish land forces and naval forces of both countries will take part in the second phase to include Turkish frigate “TCG Gökova” which arrived in Qatar with 214 personnel, as well.

On 7-8 August high-level commanders from both countries are scheduled to be present at the exercise as well to observe the operation.

Qatar has been in trouble lately with Saudi Arabia and allied Gulf countries due to accusations an an ultimatum given by these countries to stop supporting terror groups and running activities in the region against the benefit of said countries.As will be recalled Turkey had extended a supporting hand to Qatar against these acccusation and most importantly to reduce the efffects of the embargo applied by these countries to Qatar.

Official resources report that this is part of a mutual agreement aimed at “strengthening the defense capabilities of both countries and maintaining stability in the region.”