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Turkey becomes an exporting country in wind energy equipment

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President of 4T Platform (Clean environment, clean energy, clean agriculture, clean nutrition) and renewable energy expert Ali Rıza Öner, said that 80 percent of Turkey’s equipment sector, consistsing of 1.5 billion euros, have become exporters.

Stating that 80 percent of Turkey’s equipment sector, which is 1.5 billion euros in size, are exporters now, he stressed that after this, an expansion in renewable energy production had begun targeting abroad. He added following: “Renewable energy investors have turned their eyese to investment in Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Ukraine, Albania, Italy, France, Germany and the UK. In the next period, we will see more Turkish investors in the United States and African countries.”

He made evaluations to a group of journalists and noted that progress had been made in renewable energy production and energy equipment production in Turkey. He emphasized that the localization rate in these equipment was also gradually increasing.

He also said, “As we are surrounded by seas in three directions, electricity can also be generated from wave and current sources. In addition, wind farms will be built on the sea on the Marmara, Aegean and Black Sea coasts. When pricing is made, incentive prices are arranged according to it, taking into account the initial investment costs. It has become a center of attraction for the domestic investor again.”

 “Energy production from garbage should be supported, this way the carbon footprint will also reduced”

Öner, also the Business Development Director of ITC, which conducts solid waste disposal in 13 cities of Turkey, reminded that the harmful effects of garbage, which is an environmental problem, should be minimized and, if possible, destroyed, noting that energy production from garbage is one of the solutions in this area.