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UNICEF: One million children in Gaza living on the ‘edge of the abyss’

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According to the United Nations International Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 1 million children in Gaza are living on the edge of a cliff, where the health system is on the point of collapse.

In a written statement, UNICEF stated that the almost complete collapse of the health system and the inability to provide services throughout the Gaza Strip, especially in the northern part, threatened the lives of children.

Rantisi and Nasr children’s hospitals have been subjected to many attacks, the statement said, pointing out that services had not been provided in these hospitals for the last 24 hours except for intensive care and pediatric intensive care units.

The statement said that other children’s hospitals in the northern part of Gaza were also out of service due to fuel shortages and attacks, and therefore.

Adele Hudr, UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, said in a statement that children in Gaza had been deprived of their right to life.

Khudr said, “Children in Gaza, especially those in the north, are on the edge of a cliff. There are still thousands of children in the north of Gaza. These children have nowhere to go and are in great danger. We call for the immediate cessation of attacks on children’s health facilities, ensuring the provision of fuel and medical supplies.”