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US aircraft carrier in Aegean waters: “It is supposed to protect the Turkish straits”

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The US aircraft carrier USS Harry S. TRUMAN launched a “mission to demonstrate its presence” in the northern Aegean Sea to ensure flight operations in the region in case of an escalation of ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine.

While the Russia-Ukraine war is ongoing, the activity in the Aegean Sea has attracted the attention of the US media. According to CNN International, the USS Harry S. Truman, an aircraft carrier belonging to the US Navy, is patrolling the Aegean Sea to defend the Turkish straits in case of increased aggression by Russia.

According to a US official who spoke to CNN International, the American aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman was in the Aegean Sea this week to step in if tension rises in the region due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The official, who did not disclose the exact location of the ship, noted that mobility in the northernmost waters of the Aegean was not routine. The region has a relatively limited area for ship operations due to the number of small islands and heavy commercial maritime traffic.

The official noted that the US navy could be told to direct more fighter jet patrols to the Black Sea “in case of further escalation between Ukraine and Russia.”