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The winner of America’s election is announced: Biden triumphs over Trump

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The presidential election in the United States, where the whole world is staring, has concluded and Joe Biden as candidate of democrats has won the U.S. presidential election with 279 delegates. Kamala Harris, the name most notable throughout election campaigns, will be America’s first female, black and Indian-born vice president.

Harris shared images of the moment he greeted victory on his Twitter account. The footage in question shows the 46th president of the United States. speaking on the phone with Joe Biden, who was elected president, Harris said, “We Did It, Joe. You’ll be president of America.”

Biden’s first message after the election victory was: “I will be a unifying president, not a polarizing one”.

The results of US elections have been monitored in Turkey with great attention as well as it may have a considerable impact on mutual relations. Also, it is no secret that Turkey’s administration would have preferred to see a Trump victory, as Biden is known to have given some unfavorable messages against Turkey a while ago.