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American Foundation rewards Turkish doctor for her discovery to tackle ovarian cancer

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Turkish doctor Ms. Duygu OZMADENCI was rewarded for discovering the drug-induced fight method with protein called FAK, which replicates ovarian cancer cells. The OCRA Foundation which has supported Cancer Research in the United States for 22 years gives said award to 10 scientists, each year.

Based on related piece of news OZMADENCI discovered a method of drug-induced combat with protein called focal adhesion kinase (FAK) which replicates ovarian cancer cells.

For this discovery she made, the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) which has supported ovarian cancer research in the United States since 1994 and gives the same award to 10 people who do research on the subject each year, rewarded the Turkish doctor for her successful work.

Along with said award the doctor also received US$ 75 thousand to support her research work. The method which was successful in experiments is expected to be used in clinics, soon.

Dr. OZMADENCI said one in every 100 women in the world dies from ovarian cancer and noted following:

“In the last 40 years, very few therapeutic drugs have been discovered. Drugs that stimulate patients’ own immune system have been used in the battle against cancer in recent years. Ovarian cancer was believed not to respond to newly developed drugs that stimulate the immune system. This award has revealed that our new inventions could mobilise the immune system in the battle against ovarian cancer.