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Erdogan’s words become the agenda in the UK: “Is he planning to start a war?”

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The tension is rising every day on the Ankara-Athens line, where relations were progressing in their normal course until a short time ago… At an event attended by President Erdogan yesterday, the words he said brought about the discussion of “Is he planning a war”.

Yesterday, President Erdogan slammed Greece at an event he attended in Samsun and the words he use caused controversy in the UK. The Daily Mail, one of the most widely read newspapers in the UK, announced Erdogan’s words to its readers with the headline “Is Erdogan planning a war with Greece in the Mediterranean”.

Speaking at the event he attended yesterday, Erdogan sent harsh messages to Greece about the islands in the Aegean and said, “It does not bind us to that you have occupied the islands or anything, we will do what is necessary when the time comes. You know, we have a saying that goes we can come suddenly one night.”