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Important News – New Corona circular from the Ministry of Interior

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The Interior Ministry has sent a circular to 81 provincial governorates on “isolation measures”. According to the circular, “neighborhood inspection teams” will be formed within the provincial Outbreak Control Centers, which have been established to ensure effective implementation of the measures taken to combat the outbreak in the field.

Administrative fines will be imposed on those found to have violated “home isolation obligation” and judicial proceedings will be carried out.

The neighbourhood inspection teams will include staff from public institutions and organizations, local governments and law enforcement agencies, as well as representatives of school principals and teachers, clergy, headmen and staff, apartment and site managers.

In the circular the Ministry stated that details regarding persons who had been subject to isolation previously sould be obtained from Provincial Health Directorates and it should be monitored by Governor/Prefect and law enforcement units whether isolation conditions were complied with especially in the first 7 days period of isolation and also frequent inspections should be carried out.