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KILICDAROGLU will finish the AK Party in two moves!

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Down below we are sharing an important article written by EVREN DEVRİM ZELYUT (a prominent economist) and translated by BTT, about Turkey’s economy and recent political picture.


“I won’t lie! If you had told me about such a KILICDAROGLU (CHP leader) two years ago, I would have hardly believed it. So, in order for that leading spirit to emerge, conditions had to turn into a crisis. Just like in the case of Mustafa Kemal (Atatürk) taking the fate of the country into his hands as a result of the invasion of Anatolia.

Turkey is going through the most difficult economic crisis in its history. Before the epidemic, a system dependent abroad, had abandoned production in agriculture and industry was already giving signs of being blocked. That is why the KGF (Credit Guarantee Fund) loans, which exceeded TL 200 billion in 2017, had come in. Dozens of bailout loans the number and name of which we cannot remember came later and created only momentary relief in the economy, at the cost of depleting $ 128 billion in reserves.

The economy which cannot produce without importing, was hit hard by the epidemic first and then by the Russia-Ukraine war. The AKP economy, which has been constantly delaying solving structural problems, has been dealing with high inflation with increasing input prices. Vote share losses have begun. On top of this, Erdogan’s populist interest rate policy completely backfired and sky-rocketed dollar/TL rate. The rising exchange rate caused to raise inflation again, and the citizens were stuck even worse.

The point where things started to get complicated is actually the year 2018. No matter what economic indicator you look at, after Erdogan’s election as president, you will encounter a very clear deterioration. While the inflation was 20%, now the PPI (production price index) has become 138%.

The exchange rate was 4.50 and now it is 17.80. While the total debt of the central government was TL 1 trillion 67 billion, it has now become TL 3 trillion 431 billion. Unemployment has risen from 11% to over 20% now…

The purchasing power of the people has already melted like ice over the years due to the fact that the AKP has transferred the generated national product to the oligarchs. We can understand this by the fact that the share of wage earners in the national income has decreased. Or the fact that data such as the Gini Coefficient, which measures the distribution of income in Turkey, is deteriorating, also scientifically proves to us how citizens have fallen into misery.

While all these developments were taking place, that is, as the problems increased, the system gradually began to put the leader who should solve these problems , front of the public. We have started to see that KILICDAROGLU has undertaken a great mission.

In other words, we watched KILICDAROGLU start walking on the problems against Erdogan’s inability to solve the problems on top of additional ones he created. KILICDAROGLU saw that the country was deteriorating and took action without waiting to be in power and took the initiative as strong leaders do. At this point, we need to open the initiative issue a little.

We say that the biggest difference between the CHP and Kılıçdaroğlu today, as compared to the past is that they are ready to manage by making the necessary plans for the solution, beyond diagnosing and expressing the problems.

Yes, Kılıçdaroğlu took the initiative. He did not stop, did not watch, did not wait, visited THK (Turkish Aviation Institution) while the forests were burning so that the country would not get into a much more troublesome situation. He stood at the door of TURKSTAT (Turkish Statistics Institute) while the entire country’s economy was sinking due to inflation. After the Central Bank complied with Erdogan’s erroneous policy and dropped the rate, KILICDAROGLU went to the CBRT.

He warned those intending to enter Canal Istanbul tender (to quit) to ensure Turkey would avoid a military, political and economic crisis and fought those who tried to exploit the values of the state etc.

Why? To prevent the enormous damage that the country suffered (and would do so), although he is not in charge of administration…

KILICDAROGLU will send the AKP to the dustbin of political history in two moves. As the people started to pull away from the AKP, he prepared his first move, diagnosed the problems very well, made his plans, and as soon as he comes to power, he will be ready to start working immediately.

After KILICDAROGLU takes over the administration in the elections (editor’s note: if he does certainly), he will make his second move. By implementing the preparation during the opposition period, he will dramatically reduce inflation and the exchange rate. At this point, you can ask how this will happen. However, even a return to “law and order” and rational economic policies only, will bring back lost investor confidence and bring down exchange rate and inflation with large amounts of foreign and domestic capital inflows to Turkey.

However, KILICDAROGLU will not take any chances. Along with the reforms that it will implement quickly, it will make the downward trend in the exchange rate and inflation permanent before the next local elections and will not give the opposition AKP another chance in the next local elections.

The process of extinction for the AK Party will begin not in 2023, but after the 2024 local elections. What will be the result of all this? After the winter of 2023, which will be especially difficult for our people, they will have learned that the responsibility of management will no longer be given to anyone who takes the holy book in his hands and shakes it, prays well, or reads a beautiful prayer. Those who use Islam for their political and economic interests will never come to the level of administration in this land, again.

Turkey has faced a crisis and great costs, but it has also insured itself with a democrat leader. Keep watching KILICDAROGLU and you will see with your eyes how to build a democratic welfare society.”

Article translated from original article by Evren Devrim ZELYUT on below link