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Mayor of Istanbul Ekrem Imamoğlu: “Our goal is to host 30 million tourists a year”

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Istanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu has announced the number of tourists they target to host in Istanbul. IMM President Immoğlu, who initiated the arrangement works on Laleli Ordu Street within the scope of the ‘150 Projects in 150 Days’ marathon, spoke about the tourism works in Istanbul in his speech.

Stating that their goal was to host 30 million tourists in Istanbul, Imamoğlu said, “Istanbul hosts 16-17 million tourists a year. Our goal is to host 30 million tourists a year in Istanbul. 30 million tourists means increasing the economy of this city by 1.5 times at a time. Fatih district is the main center for ensuring this increase. In this context, we will go to a signage arrangement in the region. There are a number of schematic definitions with an international arrangement. In this sense, we also have rules about urbanism. By integrating them together, we will bring an extraordinary order here.

We will activate the principle of producing a commercial space, acting regularly and thinking together here. Istanbul has won the admiration of the world for centuries.

In the second century of our republic we will ensure to see the highest level of admiration regarding income and the satisfaction of tourists and a level of wealth and prosperity both commercial, and share revenue with workers etc. we will turn it into one of the three most beautiful metropolis and the most livable in the world. It is also our intention to be the first. Istanbul deserves this.”