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Minister says Turkey will open flights with 24 countries in July and 23 countries in August

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Turkey’s Minister of Transport and Infrastructure has given an interview after inspecting Ankara-Sivas High Speed Rail (YHT) line Kırıkkale construction site and stated that the normalization of domestic flights has been continuing rapidly and that all necessary steps have been taken. The Minister gave an interview after inspecting Ankara-Sivas High Speed Rail (YHT) line Kırıkkale construction site.

Stating that aviation is a global activity and that it is necessary to coordinate with other countries in decision-making processes, the Minister said, “The most critical point for us is that measures we have taken are also implemented  as swiftly in countries we are to work with. We aim to continue our success in the process of combating the epidemic, in the process of normalization”

The Minister stated that they had taken an important step with the “Airport epidemic certificate” which was put into practice within the framework of combating the epidemic and went on to say “We have certified and re-activated airports that meet the requirements in the circular we have published. Our airports in the busiest cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Antalya and Trabzon quickly met the requirements and started their activities by gaining the right to receive this certificate. When we compare it with the world wide, we have very serious measures and a strict inspection process”.

Stating that the passengers who use the airline are followed meticulously from the beginning of the journey to the destination and all measures to be taken are strictly implemented the Minister said:

“We Share our experience arising from these practices with other countries. We inform our visitors who want to come to our country about the safe flight they will take. Because, you know, airlines are the most important means of transportation for our foreign visitors to our country. But because of the risks that airlines carry in spreading the epidemic, there are still some concerns about its use. We are working to eliminate these concerns”.

The Minister also shared following “After the outbreak, the normalization steps are taking place at different times in each country and international flights will be opened gradually. For this reason, we keep tight coordination with other countries, we transfer our own normalization process and we follow their normalization efforts closely. In this context, we will gradually open international flights in line with the positive views that have emerged from each other. There are 39 countries on our June calendar. In July, we will open international flights with 24 countries and 23 countries in the month of August. Some countries have yet to complete the legal infrastructure and arrangements for the normalization process. I hope they’ll complete it as soon as possible and we’ll make our flight plans with them. As Turkey, we are ready.”
