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People all over the world stand against the planned ethnic cleansing in Gaza

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While Israel carries out ethnic cleansing in Gaza as if challenging humanity, “Stop the massacre” slogans rose from the streets all around the world.

In Washington, D.C., the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) group called for a gathering in front of the White House’s Lafayette Square, and thousands of people gathered there for Palestine. AMP stated in their rally call, “Israel is causing the largest displacement since Nakba. All of this is happening with the full and open support of Biden.”

Orthodox Jews who attended the demonstration with their young children also held banners that said, “The State of Israel does not represent Judaism,” “Jews condemn Israel and its atrocities,” and “Israel started the fire.”

In Kenya, a memorial service was held for those who lost their lives in Palestine. In Glasgow, Scotland, hundreds of people gathered to show their support and solidarity for Palestine.

In the Mediterranean country of Malta, a large number of protesters gathered in the town of Msida, carrying toy dolls in their hands in memory of the children who lost their lives in the bombings in Gaza to protest the situation.