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Avrasya Survey Company announces increase in votes of 2 new parties in Turkey

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Kemal Ozkiraz, president of Eurasia Research Company (Avrasya Ararştırma) has announced the latest survey data in a live broadcast program organized by his social media account. The latest Eurasia Research survey referred a rate 14.8 per cent for undecided. The GOOD Party and DEVA Party were observed to have increased their vote rates.

Ozkiraz announced the latest poll results in a video on his social media account he organized. The proportion of undecided people and those who said they would not vote was polled. In the proportional distribution, the AKP and MHP had 42.5 percent of the vote, in total

He also Said, “Based on the raw data of our latest poll, The Good Party and the DEVA Party are making an unusual jump. This shows us that right-wing coalition (meaning Republican Alliance) is going into a very rapid decline.”

The results of the survey, which Kemal Ozkiraz shared live, with his followers are as follows:

AKP: 26.2 percent, CHP: 17.4 per cent, Undecided: 14.8, Good Party: 12.2 per cent, HDP: 9.9 per cent, Non-voting: 8.4 percent, MHP: 7.2 per cent, DEVA: 1,8, Other: 0.9 per cent

The result after distribution of undecided votes is as follows:

AKP: 33.9 percent
CHP: 22.5 per cent
Good Party: 15.8 per cent
HDP: 11.9 per cent
MHP: 8.6 per cent
DEVA: 3.0 per cent
Other: 0.9 per cent
Future Party: 0.7 Per Cent

Please note that composition of alliances is as follows:
AKP and MHP form the Republican Alliance
CHP and GOOD PARTY form the Nation Alliance
HDP is likely to provide support for Nation Alliance, as well as 2 newly established parties. That is; Deva and Future parties.