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Corona test of 78-year-old patient turns negative after plasma transplantation treatment

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A 27-year-old patient who beat corona virus disease in Antalya donated plasma to a 78-year-old patient. Doctors observed that the corona virus test of said patient had turned negative. Regarding this positive development, Prof. Dr. Bülent Aydınlı, Chief Physician of Akdeniz University Hospital said, “Our patient is in good health right now. It’s a nice development”.

The 27-year old father of 2 children living in Antalya, went to a private hospital on March 26 complaining of headache and high fever. After the injection he was sent to his house. However, complaints increased after 2 days he had bee admitted to another hospital. The corona Test here came back positive.

The patient was kept in hospital for 2 days and sent home for 14 day quarantine period after which his test was negative. The patient then came to the hospital and donated plasma to be used for the immune plasma method developed against the virus.

Prof. Aydınlı explained that a female coronavirus patient 78 years of age and in intensive care unit had been given convelesan plasma treatment and the test result of said patient had turned negative, thereafter. The professor said, “Our patient is in good health at the moment. That’s a good development. We are also struggling with other chronic ailments of said patient. Hopefully other chronic ailments will improve in the coming days. The treatment of our patient is ongoing”.

The professor noted that plasma therapy was a recommended method and they had started plasma treatment after the approval of the Ministry of Health.