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Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet SIMSEK: “Growth will pass OECD forecasts”

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Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet SIMSEK answering questions of the press members at the opening ceremony of the annual OECD Council of Ministers meeting, said “The growth performance of Turkey will likely be far stronger than the OECD projections”.

Reminding that the OECD publishes annual expectations reports and that global issues are discussed on a certain theme, SIMSEK stated that the forecast for Turkey this year was slightly raised. SIMSEK continued as follows:

“Probably the growth performance of Turkey will be much stronger than the OECD projections which is 3.4 per cent this year. Turkey will see a growth of about 4.5 percent in 2017. In fact, if reforms come into effect in a strong manner it could even be higher. In the mid-term, we would like to foresee a growth of 5 percent and above meaning the OECD will probably have to revise its forecasts upward again.

“The uncertainty in Turkey has decreased”

In reply to the question about negotiations with the French business circles tomorrow, SİMSEK stated that he would hold individual meetings with many important companies to include ones with investments in Turkey as well as others planning to invest. The minister went on to say following;

“Here is the main message: the uncertainty in Turkey has diminished, there is a strong political stability in Turkey and we are to focus on reforms now. The growth is getting stronger and it will be accelerated even more. Turkey has a powerful and solid foundation, much more powerful than perceived abroad.