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Expert forecast: Foreigners will flock to Istanbul stock market when uncertainty disappears

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An expert in financial investment sector has expressed that they expect foreign investors to flock to Borsa Istanbul when the election uncertainty disappears next year.

Looking at it since the beginning of the year, it seems that the foreigners are sellers on the stock exchange. In 2022, the foreign investors have made a net share sale of $ 3.4 billion. It is seen that foreign investors are not willing to invest in Turkey in an environment of uncertainty.

Speaking tomedia, the expert stated that they saw a great potential in Borsa Istanbul and expected it to rise substantially.

Same expert emphasized that they thought that foreign investors would frantically enter the stock market with the disappearance of election uncertainty in 2023. The expert stated that they expected the share of foreign investors, which is currently below 30 percent in Borsa Istanbul, to rise rapidly.