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Expert says minimum wage will melt away with high-rate hikes”

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A journalist has stated in his article today that he expects increase in the minimum wage will melt along with the hikes in energy. In his article titled “Every minimum wage will be insufficient before inflation falls”, the author of a prominent daily newspaper, said  that the high hike expected to be made at the beginning of the year will be insufficient for people with narrow and fixed incomes.

Expressing that he expected an increase of more than 30 percent in the minimum wage, he said: “We can say that the AKP government has now begun to accept that it has left employees in a difficult situation with narrow and fixed incomes. For this reason, they think that it is time to please this large social segment, whose financial difficulties have been growing.”

Back to the picture at end of 2020

The journalist said, “Wage hikes on inflation which they will brag about, will simply melt away due to high price hikes to come beginning of 2022. In other words, even if they mad a 40 percent raise in wages, working people will have returned to the situation at the beginning of 2022, towards the middle of the year – despite the wage increase they are given.