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Experts say a whole new page will be opened in tourism in the coming period

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It is voiced by many professionals that from now on, hotels will have to adopt operational conditions as accurate and hygienic as would be provided in first class hospitals. There is no doubt all operators in hospitality management sector will have to open a new page to start writing a new book.

During last few decades Turkey’s hospitality sector has no doubt gained great experience in business. However in a new era in which certain rules will have to be practiced even by people leaving home, the sector needs to leave the past aside and write a new story with new rules, in tourism.

For instance, hotels will have to be managed with the accuracy of a hospital in terms of hygiene and safety. This will certainly bring all departments the necessity to restore their own orders. Hoteliers will have to be aware their first task will be offer their guests confidence before everything else.

On the other hand it is not only hotel operators that will need to pay attention to these points. All other business partners in the sector such as tourism agencies, transport companies etc. will have to re-write their stories.

Consequently, all other elements of the sector such as human resources, schools, tourism high schools and high schools will need to be reorganized as far as their education programs are concerned.

There is no doubt the challenge to succeed in the sector will require unlimited sacrifice and effort and only those that manage to adapt to this new era will be able to survive.