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Famous pop singer Tarkan shakes social media in Turkey, with his new song

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Tarkan, who is one of the most famous and beloved pop music stars in Turkey, is now sitting at the top of the country’s agenda with his new song that he has suddenly announced.

The song is called “GEÇÇEK” meaning IT WILL PASS.

The lyrics is particularly interesting and some tend to interpret the words like “these difficult times.. meaning epidemic and economic crisis will pass”, whereas some other tend to think lyrics might be referring to the not very happy relationship between the administration and an unsatisfied part of people – due to economy, freedom of speech, political picture prevailing etc.

Down below is translation of the first part of the lyrics.


Hasn’t it (he) always cornered (us)
Hasn’t it (he) hit us in the back before
This is not the first blow
Yes, we fell, but did we not get up
Haven’t we always challenged life
Keep your heart light, what haven’t we been through

It’ll pass, it’ll pass. Sure, this will pass too
You’ll see. Your hope will make your day
Oh…Oh, we’ll then put the bells on and dance (belly dance)
Believe me those days of (made of) flower are very near
Will go, will go … Will go like it (he) came
Everything has an end, and this ordeal will be over
Oh.. Oh, we’ll then put the bells on and dance

and more ….

NOTE: We could maybe translate some parts as follows:
Haven’t we always been cornered
Haven’t we been hit in the back before …
– in which case we do not know if it’s a he or it or whatever is responsible for the action 🙂