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Global plastic use and waste will triple by 2060

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The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has published its global report on plastic waste. The report stated that the use of plastics would increase by about three times by 2060, while the annual production of fossil fuel-based plastics will exceed 1.2 billion tons and waste will exceed one billion tons.

According to a new report published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), annual production of fossil fuel-based plastics will exceed 1.2 billion tons by 2060, and waste will exceed one billion tons.

In its published findings, it said it was most likely that the use of plastic would triple in less than four decades in a world severely damaged by plastic pollution.

Global plastic use and waste will triple by 2060 – the report, examined by 238 countries said that plastic production would almost double in less than 40 years, even if aggressive actions were taken to reduce demand and increase efficiency.

However, it was emphasized that such globally coordinated policies could increase the share of recycled plastic waste from 12 percent to 40 percent in the future.