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Global “Travel Risk Map” released, in which category is Turkey?

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In A3M’s ‘2024 Risk Map,’ released most recently, countries are divided into 5 different categories: ‘very high risk,’ ‘high risk,’ ‘increased risk,’ ‘low risk,’ and ‘very low risk countries.’ In the risk map created in these five categories, Turkey is shown among the ‘increased risk’ countries. In this category where Turkey is located, there are many countries including Central Asian countries, China, India, some parts of Tunisia and Egypt, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Brazil.

“Travelers are facing increased risks”

For countries in the category where Turkey is located, it is stated, “Travelers are facing increased risks, but there is no need to take extra precautions when traveling to the country/region. The security situation may be tense due to widespread violent crimes, and/or there may be significant health risks, natural hazards, or other specific risks. Long-lasting, intense protest actions are possible. Travelers should behave more cautiously before departure and consult the country database (providing situation reports and instructions) to obtain information about specific risks and recommendations at the destination.”

Risk and high-risk countries

While the Russian Federation, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Algeria, Pakistan, Venezuela, Colombia, and some parts of Egypt are shown in the ‘high-risk countries’ category, Ukraine, regions near the Ukraine border in Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Libya, and some parts of Venezuela are labeled as high-risk countries.

Safe and very safe countries

In the list, most European countries, along with the United States, Japan, Cuba, and South Korea, are considered safe; Finland, Norway, Canada, Iceland, and Switzerland are shown as ‘very safe countries.’

Countries labeled as ‘risky’ or ‘increased risk’ are noted for experiencing direct or indirect tensions with the United States and European Union countries. (Turizm Güncel)