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President Erdogan says controlled normalization will start on Monday, May 17

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The president has made a statement saying “Starting on Monday, we are starting to implement our controlled normalization calendar. Our intention is to continue to act cautiously until the end of May.” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan spoke with the AKP organization via videoconferencing, to convey his Ramadan feast message.

The President said, ”We are in an effort to provide all kinds of support to some of our tradesmen and tourism sector effected by restrictions, for them to survive in this difficult period.” Despite this, if our people, shopkeepers, employees have been in trouble, we ask for their blessing.

Erdogan’s comments were as follows:

* As promised to our nation, we are beginning to implement our controlled normalization calendar starting Monday.
* We will share the details with our nation after the cabinet meeting.
* Our intention is to continue to act cautiously until the end of May, and we plan to significantly loosen measures starting June.
* We strive to provide all kinds of support to the tourism sector and our tradesmen. We’ve significantly increased social support.
* The only purpose of the measures and restrictions we have taken since the day the epidemic spread to our country is to protect the health, life and future of each of our 84 million citizens. We have not resorted to any measures that we do not have to, we will not do so either.
* Our goal is to ensure that this distressing process, which we live with all over the world, can be overcome with minimal damage. We are pleased to see that we have achieved this on the production side.
* We have significantly increased social support by mobilizing all the opportunities of our state so that no citizen feels unclaimed. We are among the countries that provide effective social support to their citizens during the epidemic period.