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The first case of “flurona” in Israel: both coronavirus and flu were detected in the same person

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Doctors said that the case had been diagnosed in a young, pregnant woman, but it is suspected that there are more cases in the country. It was found that influenza and coronavirus were found in a woman in Israel at the same time. The woman became the first case in the country, of a rare mixture of two diseases. The disease was called “flurona”.

Local news reports said the patient was showing mild symptoms and was a young, pregnant woman currently at a hospital. “As soon as she arrived, she was diagnosed with the flu and coronavirus,” director of the Gynecology Department told local media. He went on to say, “The disease is the same disease; they are viral disease and both cause difficulty breathing because they attack the upper respiratory tract.” The Israeli Health Ministry said they were examining the case to determine if the combination of the two infections could cause a more serious illness.

The woman is expected to be discharged on Thursday. Although this is the first documented case in which both diseases were diagnosed at the same time, doctors believe that there are more cases in the country.