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Turkey having difficulty to cope with epidemic: deaths and cases exploding

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According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 334 thousand 535 Covid-19 tests were performed in Turkey in the last 24 hours. Based on test results 27 thousand 802 people tested positive. On the other hand 276 people died today.

Health Minister Koca said: “Our New loss of lives is 276. Of the cases previously mentioned in the table, 276 resulted in death today. If we ensure unity and unity in vaccination and measures; in a short time, the number of cases, and then the loss of lives, will quickly fall. The condition for success against the epidemic is unity and stability.”

It looks as if the country is going to have to cope with the epidemic for a long while before we have a relief. The common impression of many people is the administration has loosened the ropes quite early as compared to what it should have done.