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Turkey’s Health Minister announces number of covid-19 cases per week by province

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Health Minister Koca has announced the number of covid-19 cases seen in every 100 thousand people according to the provinces on August 28 – September 3, and the cities where the number of cases increased the most.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, shared on his social media account the map that showed COVID-19 case numbers seen in every 100 thousand people between 28 August-3 September.

Koca stated that during last week, the number of cases had increased in Kayseri, Elazig, Karaman, Bolu, Malatya, Kırşehir, Yozgat, Kırıkkale, Tunceli and Bartin most and added following; “if you are in one of these provinces, you should be even more careful now. The ultimate solution is vaccine! The rules are very necessary.”

He also said, “What was the total number of New Covid-19 cases per week in 100,000 people between August 28 –September 3? You can find out about the situation in the province where you live or commute from our weekly incidence map.”

Based on data on map shared by Koca, the number of Covid-19 cases in every 100 thousand people in the week of August was 156.95 in Istanbul, 242.61 in Ankara and 45.58 in Izmir, in week August 28 – September 3.