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Unemployment Rate 18,95 According to DISK (Labor Union)

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Disk says number of unemployed people is over 6,3 million when hopeless, hidden jobless and ones not looking for a job are included in the total.

According to a report prepared by DISK (Revolutionary Labor Union of Turkey) on 2011 Employment data of  Turkey, the number of unemployed people equals to the total population of 17 cities including Karabük, Artvin, Erzincan, Kırşehir and Sinop. The number of cities goes up to 25 when hopeless are included.

It is also mentioned in said report that number of unemployed people are around 6,370,000. When compared to 2008, this figure has increased by 453,000 people and 765 thousand when number of hopeless is included in the total of unemployed.

In the conclusion part of the report, it is mentioned that the government has expressed “contentment” for  declared unemployment data and/but the average unemployment rate in Europe is 9,5 and Turkey is obviously one of the countries with highest unemployment rate.

Following observation also was concluded in the report;

The fact that working conditions have become much more severe in Turkey, decrease in the number of secure jobs with stable income and more common sub-contracted employment practices have turned working life into hell for people in need of jobs.
