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An interesting strategy proposal for “6-party table” to win presidential run, as election date approaches

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An interesting post was shared on Twitter about the upcoming election. One user shared a strategy that he thought (or guessed) the 6-party table would follow for the Presidential election.

Accordingly, the 6-party table will nominate CHP chairman KILIÇDAROĞLU (KK). However, the important point here is that the CHP chairman will also have Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoğlu and Ankara Mayor Mansur YAVAŞ with him at all rallies or events such as interviews and TV programs that he will hold or attend during the election campaign. KK will thus have shown that the support of the 2 metropolitan mayors is with him, as well. As it is known, the 2 mayors also have millions of loyal supporters among voters, as 2023 election approaches.

If such a campaign strategy is followed, it could have a strong chance to contribute to a likely victory of KILCDAROGLU to achieve a win over the current president with 60 percent of total votes, easily.

Let’s see who will be the candidate of the 6th table after the decision that will be made in the coming days, after which we are likely to have a much clearer picture about the destiny of elections to come.