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Cyprus statement from Speaker Pelosi: “We must ask Turkey for accountability”

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Speaking at the meeting for the 46th anniversary of the Cyprus campaign, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, directed criticism at Turkey. She said, “Turkey’s strategic position does not give them the authority to invade, kill and violate human rights”. Pelosi spoke at an online event organized by the International Coordinating Committee for Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA).

She said “We need to ask them for accountability. The Democrats in the House of Representatives have used joint efforts to make Turkey accountable for the illegal occupation, to end the injustice and to find a solution”.

“We can build together a future where all the people of Cyprus live in peace, where children grow and develop” she said, adding that she wanted to continue working on a unity plan that would address the concerns of all Cypriots. (press)

It is very saddening that such politicians “occupying” such important positions can be so “IGNORANT” or biased or else incapable of understanding/evaluating the real picture – if there is no benefit in question that is, certainly.

Cyprus issue and the conflict between Turkey and Greece from past to present

Cyprus issue and the conflict between Turkey and Greece from past to present