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Health Minister announces monkey pox is in Turkey!

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Minister of Health Fahrettin Koca announced that monkey pox has been detected in Turkey. “There is only one case, it is isolated” Koca said.

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced on his Twitter account that a case of monkey pox disease was detected in Turkey.

In his share he said,  “Monkey pox disease was detected in one of our patients. The patient is 37 years old, he has immunodeficiency. He is Isolated. Contact tracing was carried out, no other cases were found. As is known, this disease is not transmitted by breathing, but by close physical contact.”

Although it is usually detected in central and western Africa, monkey pox, which was detected in May in dozens of countries, especially European countries, was first seen in humans in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the 1970s.