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Questions and answers about DUZCE earthquake

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A 5.9 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Düzce at 04.08 caused great panic. The shaking was felt in Istanbul, Bolu, Sakarya, Ankara, Kocaeli, Kütahya, Bilecik, Bursa, Izmir as well as in Düzce. Down below are some questions and answers about the DUZCE earthquake.

How long did the earthquake last for?

– According to the determinations made from the security cameras of various shops in Düzce, the earthquake lasted 43-45 seconds.

Has there been a second earthquake in Düzce?

– At 04:30, a 4.7 magnitude tremor was recorded, the epicenter of which was the Çilimli district of Düzce.

In which cities was the earthquake felt?

The Düzce-centered earthquake was felt in a wide area as far as Istanbul, Bolu, Sakarya, Ankara, Kocaeli, Kütahya, Bilecik, Bursa, Zonguldak, Karabük, Bartın and Izmir.

Did aftershocks occur after the earthquake?

– According to the statement made by AFAD at 09.00, as of now, after the earthquake of magnitude 5.9, there were 101 aftershocks, the largest of which was 4.3.

How many people were injured in the earthquake?

– As of 09.42, AFAD announced that 50 people were injured, including 37 in Düzce, 4 in Bursa, 1 in Istanbul, 6 in Zonguldak, 1 in Sakarya and 1 in Bolu.

Bolu Governor Erkan Kilic announced that 20 people were injured in the city after the earthquake.

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said, “A wounded man’s pelvis was broken by jumping in Bolu. There is no danger to life, but the injured person in Düzce is in danger of life. 50 people were injured, one seriously. 33 people have been discharged.”

Did anyone lose their life in the earthquake?

– A 63-year-old woman who panicked during the earthquake in Düzce lost her life after a heart attack.

Why was the electricity cut off during the earthquake?

– In a statement made by AFAD at 05.04, following was shared: “Energy outages are being implemented for control purposes in the region. We earnestly ask our citizens not to panic.”

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said, “There is a power outage. An important part of these are controlled interruptions. Neighborhood by neighborhood, it is gradually being given in a controlled way.”

Düzce Mayor Faruk Özlü said, ”I think there is a precautionary interruption of the distribution company.”

Were the schools closed due to the Düzce earthquake?

– The education was interrupted for one day in Düzce, Bolu, Sakarya and Zongultak, which were affected by the earthquake and where aftershocks continued. Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University ‘visa exams scheduled to be held today were postponed due to the earthquake.

How many buildings were damaged after the earthquake?

– Düzce Mayor Faruk Özlü said, “It was an earthquake that we felt very strongly. There may be some damage to the plaster and chimney of the buildings. There is no exact information that has reached us in this direction,” he said.

Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu said, “We do not have any loss of life. Our surveys in the villages continue. There are barn demolitions in several villages,” he said.